Geology :
· Geology is the branch of earth science is concerned with the both
the liquid and solid earth, the rock which it is composed and the process by
which they changed overtime.
· Petro means rock and logos mean study, so it is the branch of
geology which deals with the study of rocks.
· Rocks are defined as an aggregate of minerals.
Importance of
Geology in Civil Engineering
· It provides an opportunity to interpret the physical properties of
individual rocks, likewise texture, structure, mineral and chemical composition
· These help in knowing the strength, durability, color, appearance
· These properties are very important for the civil engineer to know
because different rocks are suitable for different purposes and no rock is
ideal or best suited for all purpose.
Igneous Rocks:
· All rocks that have formed from original hot molten material (magma)
through the process of cooling and crystallization may be defined as igneous
Difference between
Magma and Lava
· Magma: Magma is hot viscous siliceous melt containing gasses. It comes
from greater depth below the earth’s surface. This melt remains within the
· Lava: when magma comes out upon the surface of earth, it is called lava.
Igneous rocks
can be further divided into three sub-categories
· Volcanic Rocks
-Cooling and crystallization of lava.
-Cools down very fast so the grain size of
crystal is very fine.
· Plutonic Rock
igneous rocks formed at
depth of about 7 to 10
Kilometer below the earth surface.
rate of cooling so coarse
-For Example: Granite
· Hypabyssal Rocks
Also known as Sub Volcanic Rock.
at intermediate depth, 2
kilometers below the surface of
characteristics of volcanic
And plutonic.
On The Basis Of
Silica Content Igneous Rocks:
· Acidic/Felsic Rock:
-In these rocks silica content is more than
light colored rocks are formed.
-For example: Granite
· Intermediate Rocks:
content ranges from 55-65%.
-Medium colored rocks are formed.
-For example: Diorite
· Mafic/Basic Rocks:
- Silica
content ranges from 45-55%.
color rocks are formed.
example: Basalt
· Ultra Mafic Rocks:
content is less than 45%.
ultra dark colored rocks are formed.
example: Kimber lite
Texture of
Igneous Rocks
are three factors we define the texture of the igneous rocks
· Degree of crystallization.
· Granularity.
· Fabric
Types of
There are total five types of
igneous rocks according to the texture:
1. Equigranular Texture
2. Inequigranular Texture
3. Directive Texture
4. Intergrowth Texture
5. Intergranular Texture